Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Domain Driven Swing Framework

Hello my readers,

Nowadays, I am putting all of my efforts to make swing application as sexiest as one could ever imagine and as simplest as a piece of cake. To make swing desktop application as an agile and a romantic piece of work, I have now started my work on my Domain-Driven-Swing Framework.

Domain-Driven-Swing framework is generated dynamically on fly based on Domain Object, Domain Data and XML structure. Every entity of the domain related info either it is Domain Object , domain data or XML is binded with Generated UI with the help of JGoodies binding mechanism. I used Map binding concept.

When auto-generated Panel is created then it will be injected to the FormContainer which will be wired by the componentID. ComponentID is the unique identifire of the components and usecases which will be used widely to recognize any action, any updates and any validations.

This whole framework is developed on totally de-coupled mechanisim like Message-Mailbox concept. Every activity is controlled by some Manager who is listening to its respected activities.

Validation is done at two levels i.e. Beans/ Data level and UI level. For Bean/Data level I am using hibernate validator and for UI, I used JComponent's method setInputVerifire().

For Look and Feel, I have used substance as Decoration provider.

This is my first blog entry of few series of introduction to my domain/data driven swing framework.

Cheers, and it will be my promise to you all that InhsaAllah, I will comeup with new blog enteries with screen shots and examples of how to use this framework very soon.

This framewok is almost 60-70% in the completion stage.


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