Thursday, June 18, 2009

DD Swing Portal System... Validation Component (Lost In the Winds of Windies ... hehe)

Today is Not the good day as per my work is concerned. I have developed some nice components for sexy validation. They are working very successfully in a normal swing development.

But unfortunately they have failed in my environment only because this framework is just like me - Rigid, Sexy and Creative, so cannot accept the normal way of development. ;) Really it gives me so many sleepless nights just thinking how could this Rigid, Sexy and Creative framework will accept my Validation Model.

I was feeling very down yesterday, my morale was hitting the core of the Earth.. hehehe but offcourse this portal is my baby and no one can leave their babies abandoned... huhuhu

Today I came up with other model which is more applicable and suits my Map based Binding mechanism... Man it is really the most sexiest way to validate the Components of Swing. After successful completion of this model and ofcourse by the acceptance of my sexy framework, I will post the modular design of this validation model.

I think for today this is enough to present my mental condition hehehe


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