This weekend was one of the bad weekends full of tensions and pains but as we say all's well that end's well.. but my well is I think sank into the WELL of hopelessness.
Because it is drowned into the the WELL of hopelessness. I love to find myself in dreamy and imaginative world.. it is really good to feel in an imaginary world, I don't mind even if it is just hallucinations. I am always the prince of that world, birds congregate around me. I have an Arabic White horse which has long shining hair.. which me also has ;). In my imaginations, I ride that horse and air blows around me, singing for my success and good luck. My eyes moves in a romantic way, opening and closing, capturing the beauty of the nature, half naked sexy virgins, shaking their waists and hips to mesmerize my senses. They move their hands to make my heart to beat, curling their fingers to make my seductive senses to work fast.....
My horse covers the bad patches in my life ... what the Arabs say, "The air of heaven is that which blows through a horse's ears" - This AIR is bringing mask to my face so that people cannot see my face : may be I am too handsome ... hahaha in my own eyes.
The horse covers the distance by humping into the bushes, making voice of falling water from the cliff... running fast as fast as she could to reach the destiny, but still I feel some doubt as The Best Horses doesn't always win the race.
I wish my life will remain in the world of dreams and I will enjoy the ride of an Arabian horse on the land of ANDULICIA or now called SPAIN.
I always feel what is the meaning of people around you, your family members, your friends, your colleagues - Do they really meant anything to us.. ???
Friends are Foes, Families are assailants, Colleagues always try to throw stones to hinder our path and take advantage from our hurdles - what is this life and what is this world?
I cannot count how many times I became the steps for my friends to make them step forward... I got stoned, I got pinched by there deeds. I gave them whatever I could and they became the TRANSPORTER. Is this the world or life, we are willing to live or it is the world of my dreams where everything is so dreamy, making you feel a man of heaven? Or we need the world where every body wants to knock down other person to make there way to reach the podium of glory even though that podium is made by the skulls of their friends.
Why families always give pain. Why they always try to find ways to tease us. Is this the main purpose of having a family?
Today, I am totally down and disturbed... angry and sad... my head is blowing and my soul is crossed by the rotten arrows thrown by the bows of my own blood.....