Sunday, July 19, 2009

Developing the website of the Eagle Coders

I have started working on the web site of the eagle coders. Sooo many ideas roaming through my mind, trying to catch those ideas which are flying in the air and convert them into the Wall of Dreamful Imaginations.

Trying to bring the combinition of brightness and sharpness, agility and flexibility which are the core features of EAGLE.

I am also wondering how I could portray the beauty of the eagle, sharpness of the eagle and focused attack of the eagle into the canvas of my website. It should also expose the way of development, the style of coding of this organization.

Right now my mind is dipping into the bright lights and sharp colors.... lets see what I can bring from my dreamworld into the world of reality.

Trying to think what technology should I use to bring the sexiness of my ideas to the reality on the canvas of the worldwide web.


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