Thursday, July 30, 2009

Domain Driven Swing Portal : Ajax Face


Today I also started looking into porting the whole DD swing to GWT also. It will be dreamed to convert the whole system on FLY by just recieving the input type. If it is ajax it will create the GWT face and bind them with my MapBasedModel.

Seems too complicated but dreaming to make it alive and tengible like my all other dreams. Found some ideas for ValueModel way of binding in GWT as I did in swing.

hopefully I will able to make this ARC as done in history did hopefully... inshaAllah.

today I am feeling this will be enough .. as I am dreaming alot.. hehehe

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meeting with my X-Boss Ish and discussion about Web 3.0

Today I met my x-project manager Ish. He is great person to discuss ideas. He let me introduce something about Web 3.0 which I never heard.. Thanks to him to inform me this new era. I always love to explore the new dimensions of the IT and always wants to remain as IT leader.

my DD Swing is also one of the most exciting stuff for the IT world. It has almost no competitors for its dimensions.

Today I start working on JRuby on Rail as I want to some stuff which I am not able to do with java Swing.

Really web is web and I want to use Web as sexiest as I can.

I think today is enough ... I am too excited to explore and become the Master of Web 3.0.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today No news for DD swing portal : some personal to discuss


This weekend was one of the bad weekends full of tensions and pains but as we say all's well that end's well.. but my well is I think sank into the WELL of hopelessness.

Because it is drowned into the the WELL of hopelessness. I love to find myself in dreamy and imaginative world.. it is really good to feel in an imaginary world, I don't mind even if it is just hallucinations. I am always the prince of that world, birds congregate around me. I have an Arabic White horse which has long shining hair.. which me also has ;). In my imaginations, I ride that horse and air blows around me, singing for my success and good luck. My eyes moves in a romantic way, opening and closing, capturing the beauty of the nature, half naked sexy virgins, shaking their waists and hips to mesmerize my senses. They move their hands to make my heart to beat, curling their fingers to make my seductive senses to work fast.....

My horse covers the bad patches in my life ... what the Arabs say, "The air of heaven is that which blows through a horse's ears" - This AIR is bringing mask to my face so that people cannot see my face : may be I am too handsome ... hahaha in my own eyes.

The horse covers the distance by humping into the bushes, making voice of falling water from the cliff... running fast as fast as she could to reach the destiny, but still I feel some doubt as The Best Horses doesn't always win the race.

I wish my life will remain in the world of dreams and I will enjoy the ride of an Arabian horse on the land of ANDULICIA or now called SPAIN.

I always feel what is the meaning of people around you, your family members, your friends, your colleagues - Do they really meant anything to us.. ???

Friends are Foes, Families are assailants, Colleagues always try to throw stones to hinder our path and take advantage from our hurdles - what is this life and what is this world?

I cannot count how many times I became the steps for my friends to make them step forward... I got stoned, I got pinched by there deeds. I gave them whatever I could and they became the TRANSPORTER. Is this the world or life, we are willing to live or it is the world of my dreams where everything is so dreamy, making you feel a man of heaven? Or we need the world where every body wants to knock down other person to make there way to reach the podium of glory even though that podium is made by the skulls of their friends.

Why families always give pain. Why they always try to find ways to tease us. Is this the main purpose of having a family?

Today, I am totally down and disturbed... angry and sad... my head is blowing and my soul is crossed by the rotten arrows thrown by the bows of my own blood.....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Domain Driven Swing Portal : voice based application Generation - updated News


I have started to look into the sphinx voice recognition library. It seems to be the best choice for the time being unless if in comming future I will be able to develop my own voice recognition system.

Today, I am going to write very short.. hehe as nothing to say. emmm but not good to just write nothing..

Okie lets talk about myself.. how I am feeling nowadays.. about my behavior and what I feel about my working environment.

For the last few months, I am experiencing how a dead person can feel inside a cofin. Office is giving me the feeling of COFIN.. hehehe but i wanna become alive. Trying to put best of my efforts in making my framework as sexy as I could. Trying to bring new ideas in Reality... and when I'll be able to bring them into Reality, I will feel like a proud person.

Today, I started using new jBOSS jBPM version 4.0. It sounds to be very attractive bpmn. People who were claiming before that jBPM is not fully complying the BPMN, now they will find that it is fully BPMN compliance system.

Its Eclipse Graphic Designer looks very appealing and sexy. But sometime work very lously may be because of Eclipse Gallilio or somewhat else still not understood.

The API provided by jBPM is still needed to be explored. I am trying to find out the best of the best from it.

And yes I was watching match online between Pakistan and Sri Linka. Pakistanis are really unpredictable - when we feel they are going down they go up and when we feel now we are well up suddenly they fall down with full gravity at 270 degree...

But yes they played well today... trying to get the glory from the rubbles of defeat... what kind of people we are .... but still able to get the sparks from the coal dust...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Domain Driven Swing Portal : voice based application Generation

Hi ,

I am working on one prototype which is used to develop application by just talking. hehe. We can watch sexy porno stuff or watch Football match .. we just need to talk to this framework.

I am creating a META LANG dictionary which is based on common english words like "Create an Application XYZ having Usecases A, B and C where Usecase A consits of Domain Objects X and Y. Domain Object A has primary key id which is number first name which is String....... " seems soo simple we just need to talk like that... and when we'll say "Generate the application, or Create the application or Do the processing!" the system will start developing the application.

The Meta Lang dictionary has words and its associated Actions. When we speak those words it will create the PHRASE and then it will pass that Phrase to the my RULES engine to process that phrase based on RULES.

And when the system will find that we have spoken the generating words, it will instruct the system to generate the application filtered by the RULES.

The underline system has multiple templates which will provide the guidelines for this process.

The framework will generate the application and then compile all files and stored them to the defined place as jar files.

Look how simply we can create the applications when this proto type will be injected into this framework.

Feeling the sizzling effects in my heart.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Developing the website of the Eagle Coders

I have started working on the web site of the eagle coders. Sooo many ideas roaming through my mind, trying to catch those ideas which are flying in the air and convert them into the Wall of Dreamful Imaginations.

Trying to bring the combinition of brightness and sharpness, agility and flexibility which are the core features of EAGLE.

I am also wondering how I could portray the beauty of the eagle, sharpness of the eagle and focused attack of the eagle into the canvas of my website. It should also expose the way of development, the style of coding of this organization.

Right now my mind is dipping into the bright lights and sharp colors.... lets see what I can bring from my dreamworld into the world of reality.

Trying to think what technology should I use to bring the sexiness of my ideas to the reality on the canvas of the worldwide web.


DD Swing Portal System : Locking Screen-Global Action


Yesterday, I was working on the global action like locking the screen by using any combinition of keys, like in windows we have Alt+Ctrl+Del which will lock the Windows.

I took the key combinition of Shift+Ctrl+Del to lock the screen. I am able to create global Actions by using ActionMap.

It is going to be the great Portal. I am proud to feel that I am going to provide the world with the best of the best portal inshaAllah.

Cheers and I am cheering

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

DD Swing Portal System : Data Retrun from Server To Client

Yesterday I was able to finish the state of art popups for the JInternalFrame so that it can be Modal and at the same time, it will not affect other internalFrames and they can work as Normal Forms. This is the one of the most exciting part of this portal that is achieved now. The picture shows how it looks like.

It is done and my application model is working. The result windows will have another framework which I started to build yesterday. That framework will inject the result to these result windows.

Yesterday was again one of my relaxing day - relaxed and satisfied that all my dreams are comming true day by day. Now I am on the right and fast tract to deliver this one of its own kind swing portal in coming few months with the authority and ensurity that it is the best framework/portal for swing rich clients.

I have started one more concept i.e. to generate usecases by talking. It will give a great boost to the IT world especially in the java world. I will explain this concept a bit later as I am also not in a good shape about this concept.
