Tuesday, July 7, 2009

DD Swing Portal System : Data Retrun from Server To Client

Yesterday I was able to finish the state of art popups for the JInternalFrame so that it can be Modal and at the same time, it will not affect other internalFrames and they can work as Normal Forms. This is the one of the most exciting part of this portal that is achieved now. The picture shows how it looks like.

It is done and my application model is working. The result windows will have another framework which I started to build yesterday. That framework will inject the result to these result windows.

Yesterday was again one of my relaxing day - relaxed and satisfied that all my dreams are comming true day by day. Now I am on the right and fast tract to deliver this one of its own kind swing portal in coming few months with the authority and ensurity that it is the best framework/portal for swing rich clients.

I have started one more concept i.e. to generate usecases by talking. It will give a great boost to the IT world especially in the java world. I will explain this concept a bit later as I am also not in a good shape about this concept.


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